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HF4 Unit 5

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Son las dos y veinte.
It's twenty past two.
Son las 3 menos cuarto.
It's quarter to three.
This is something you do in the forest or the countryside. You need an animal to do it.
Go horse riding
This is something you do when you need new clothes.
Go shopping
This is something you do in the sea or in the lake. You need a boat to do it.
Go sailing
I'd rather / pizza / than / water.
I'd rather eat pizza than drink water.
I'd rather / Coca Cola / than / Fantita.
I'd rather drink Coca Cola than drink Fantita.
I'd rather / bananas / than / apples.
I'd rather eat bananas than eat apples.
I'd rather / the guitar / than / the violin.
I'd rather play the guitar than play the violin.
If / very cold / we / have a barbecue.
If it's very cold, we can't have a barbecue.
If / hot / we / an ice lolly.
If it's hot, we can have an ice lolly.
If / windy / we / go sailing
If it's windy, we can go sailing.
If / raining / we / go hiking
if it's raining we can't go hiking.
If / sunny / we / have a picnic
If it's sunny, we can have a picnic.