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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We can't play volleyball. There aren't ____.
enough people
I wasn't ___ to lift the box onto the shelf.
strong enough
Go to bed. You've played _______.
enough computer games
I'm not ___ to watch an 18 film.
old enough
Julie wasn't ____ to wait for us.
patient enough
Yuk! There isn't ___ in my coffee.
enough sugar
I didn't enjoy the romantic comedy. It wasn't ____.
funny enough
I haven't got ____ to help you.
enough time
Clare didn't watch the horror film with us. It was ____.
too scary
I'm not going to stay up and watch the film. I'm ____.
too tired.
She needs to get more exercise. She's ____.
too inactive
I hate war films. They're ___.
too violent
I knew how the film would end. It was ___.
too predictable
Jack never listens to other people's opinion. He's ____.
too intolerant
Ian is luckier than me.
I am not as lucky as Ian.
Animated films are usually funnier than normal films.
Normal films are usually not as funny as animated films.
You're more interested in action films than me.
I'm not as interested in action films as you.
The school in the town is bigger than the school in the village.
The school in the village is not as big as the school in the town.
Disaster films are more gripping than comedies.
Comedies are not as gripping as disaster films.
Neither Chris nor Simon is very mature. (immature)
Chris is as immature as Simon.
Joe is very hard-working. You're very hard-working too. (hard-working)
Joe is as hard-working as you are.
Liam and Sally both love talking. (talkative)
Liam is as talkative as Sally.
George and Ryan both think they're better than anyone else. (arrogant)
George is as arrogant as Ryan.
Both Fred and Cathy often tell lies. (dishonest)
Fred is as dishonest as Cathy.
Harry hates waiting. Sarah doesn't like waiting, either. (impatient)
Harry is as impatient as Sarah.
Have you got the Twilight Saga DVD box set? No, I haven't. It _____. (expensive)
is too expensive
Why don't you watch a DVD with us? I can't, sorry. I ________ to stay awake. (tired)
am too tired
Did your sister see the new Tarantino film? No, she couldn't. She ______. (old)
isn't old enough
Was it a dull film? Yes. It ______. (slow)
was too slow
Do you like romantic comedies? No. I don't. They _______. (predictable)
are too predictable
Do you enjoy the new Spielberg film? No. It ___________. (fast moving)
wasn't fast moving enough