Edit Game
Unit 2 Vocabulary 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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love: But you have to express the love in your heart.
to like another adult very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to them, or to have strong feelings of liking a friend or person in your family
pajamas: Victor was wearing his pajamas when he opened the door.
journal: he next morning Aldo wrote in his journal, like always.
a serious magazine or newspaper that is published regularly about a particular subject
dream catcher: You sleep calmly thanks to our dream catcher.
a decorative object consisting of a ring with a net of string across it and feathers, etc. hanging from it, originally made by Native Americans, and thought to
gift: Make a gift in honor or memory of someone special.
a present or something that is given:
moccasins: I can't find my driving moccasins anywhere!
a soft leather shoe that you slide onto your foot and do not fasten, that has stitches around the top at the front
spiderweb: The spider caught its prey in its spiderweb.
a structure like a net of sticky silk threads made by a spider for catching insects.
suitcase: Just knock on my door and leave the suitcase outside.
a large, rectangular container with a handle, for carrying clothes and possessions while travelling.
woods: He wants to live in the woods away from everyone.
an area of land covered with a thick growth of trees
sharp: The blade is extremely sharp for fast cutting and clean.
having a thin edge or point that can cut something or make a hole in something.