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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After basketball practice, I want pizza with pepperoni. What do I want? When do I want it?
After basket ball practice. Pizza with pepperoni.
For lunch, I want a burger with cheese and pickles.
Lunch time, cheese and pickles.
Before you touch your head, touch your ears.
1. touch your ears 2. touch your head
You need to bring a pencil and a clipboard out to the farm. You are going with your class after lunch. 
Pencil, Clipboard- At the farm
After speech, hang up your sticker chart and line up on the red dot.
After speech: 1. Hang up sticker chart 2. Stand on red dot.
Make sure you use hand sanitizer after lunch, then sit at your desk. 
Hand sanitizer, after lunch
On Friday, bring your math homework to your teacher. Write your name on the top-right corner. 
Math homework- Mrs. Fox - Friday
This Tuesday, you have a doctor's appointment during lunch.
Tuesday, at the doctors, during lunch
Next Thursday, you need to wear blue to school.
Thursday, blue, school
At 6PM, I need to set the dining room table for dinner. When? Where?
6PM, dining room table
At 12:30PM, you need to meet your mom by the bus stop outside of school.
12:30, bus stop outside of school.
Before starting speech, grab your sticker chart that is next to the door.
Before speech, by the door.
After you wake up, brush your teeth in the bathroom sink.
After you wake up, In the bathroom
After you high five the person next to you, say your name.
1. High five 2. Say your name
Before dinner, feed the dog and then put him in his crate. 
You need to brush hair in the bathroom after you take a shower.
In the bathroom. After a shower.
You have soccer practice after school. You should bring water and a snack.
After school. Bring water and a snack!
Your brother asked you to bring him two pencils to his room. What? Where?
Two pencils. To his room.
Your teacher asked you to return your permission slip by Friday. You are going to the zoo! What? When?
Permission slip. Friday.