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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: Have you got a Samsung Galaxy or an iPhone? B: Actually, I have ___-I don't even have a smartphone.
Which is NOT possible? I promise I'll be on time ___ morning.
the whole
Which is NOT possible? I didn't have ___ work in my old job, so I got bored easily.
a large amount of
Which is NOT possible? The result was a surprise to ___ team.
a whole
the whole
Apparently ___ people went to the meeting.
several of
Whenever I'm on ___ holiday in __ UK, I spend ___ days in London.
Whenever I'm on holiday in the UK, I spend a few days in London.
Could you pay ____ attention please? This is important!
a little
a few
Which is NOT possible? I don't really do ____ cooking. I'm not very interested in it.
a lot of
Correct it! I can't choose between the city and the countryside-I like the both.
I can't choose between the city and the countryside-I like them both.
After Barbara gave ___ birth, she stayed in __ hospital for ___ few days.
After Barbara gave birth, she stayed in the/ - hospital for a few days.
Correct it! I really have few time to finish all my work.
I really have no/ very little time to finish all my work.
Correct it! My friend is normally scared of the heights, but she managed to get to top of Eiffel Tower.
My friend is normally scared of heights, but she managed to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
___ water is one of ___most precious resources we have.
Water is one of the most precious resources we have.
There is ___ information on the internet, but not ___ of it is relevant to what you are looking for.
a lot of/ all
several/ much
a large amount/ any
too much/ some
There are any/ a huge number of/ a lot objects available on freecycling websites.
There are a huge number of objects available on freecycling websites.
I heard on _______ radio that there had been ________ terrible earthquake in _____ California _______ last night.
I heard on the radio that there had been an terrible earthquake in California last night.
There is no/ any/ few doubt that we need to reduce the number of items we throw away.
There is no doubt that we need to reduce the number of items we throw away.
There was an/ the article in The Independent yesterday about a/ the price of petrol.
There was an article in The Independent yesterday about the price of petrol.