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Easter Traditions Around The World

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The eggs were painted beautiful or beautifully?
I've been to an Easter parade in New York? 1. Really? When have you gone? 2. Really? When you have gone? 3. Really? When did you go?
When the easter bunny arrived, the children ___ already ____ to bed. Fill in blank with past perfect tense.
had already gone
The children run _____ when hunting for easter eggs.
Is this sentence correct? My chocolate egg is bigest than your chocolate egg.
What do people in Papau New Guinea decorate trees with?
Tobacco and packets of cigarettes
What does the Polish legend say will happen to girls who are soaked with water on Easter Monday?
They will get married within the year
What does the rolling of the egg symbolise?
It symbolises the rolling away of the stone from Jesus' tomb
What is this called?
An Easter Bonnet
What has happened here? USE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE
The children have painted the eggs
What has this boy been doing? USE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS
The child has been eating a chocolate egg
What animal is this?
In Scotland during the 2020 lockdown, where did children roll their eggs down? Tell me 3 places.
Stairs, slides, tables and garden hills
Can you name 3 symbols of Easter?
Eggs, bunnies, flowers, lambs, chocolate
In Florence, Italy, a cart with ______ is led through the streets
In which country do children dress up as witches for Easter?
Name an animal that is eaten in Colombia
Iguana, turtle, large rodent
Russians eat _____ in the shape of a _____ with their Easter meal?
Butter, Lamb
In a French town, what do some people make to eat? And how many people does the food feed?
Omlette, Over 1000 people
In Australia, what animal is often used instead of the traditional easter bunny?
The Bilby
Which country has the tradition of red eggs at Easter?
Carpets cover the streets in Guatemala. Tell me 2 things the carpets are made with?
flowers, fruits, vegetables, sawdust, sad
In New Zealand, what animal is culled?
In Bermuda, homemade kites fly in the sky. What does homemade mean?
Made at home, rather than bought from a shop.
In what year did the tradition of Crime themed Easter celebrations begin in Norway?
In some parts of Spain, people wear Skeleton ________ during the Dance of the Death
In Poland, people throw water over each other. This tradition is called "___ ________"
Wet Monday