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Nate the Great (S1)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are these?
What are these?
What are these?
What are these?
What are "trails"?
Clues in a crime scene
What do you usually do when your skin feels itchy?
What is this?
What does "LOOK FOR" mean?
Find something
TRUE/FALSE: Annie's house had trapdoors and secret passages
What does "This will be a very dull case" mean?
Annie's case was boring to solve.
What did Nate mean by "You should have called me yesterday while the trail was hot"?
He wanted her to call him as soon as she lost the picture because more clues were still there.
Where did Annie leave her picture when it was lost?
on the desk drying it
What was the picture Annie had painted?
Her dog Fang
What color were Annie's hair and eyes?
Why did Nate leave a note for his mother?
To notice her that he was on a case.
What did Nate do first before he left the house?
Put his detective suit on
What things did Nate bring to solve the case?
Notebook and pencil
Why did Nate say to Annie, "Don't touch anything, DON'T MOVE?"
Because Nate did not want Annie to change the trails/clues
Name three things Nate could find in the past.
1. Lost balloons 2. Books 3. Slippers 4. Chickens 5. Lost goldfish
What was Nate doing when Annie called him?
He was eating pancakes.
Why did Annie call Nate?
Because she lost a picture.
TRUE/FALSE: Annie lost diamonds, pearls, and a million dollars, so she called Nate to help her.
What is Nate the Great's job?