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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write questions and answers. Use the present passive: coffee / grow / Germany
Is coffee grown in Germany? No, it isn't.
Write questions and answers. Use the present passive: olives / grow / Greece
Are olives grown in Greece? Yes, they are.
Write questions and answers. Use the present passive: chocolate / make / Switzerland
Is chocolate made in Switzerland? Yes, it is.
Make a sentence. Use the present passive: coffee / not grow / in the UK
Coffee isn't grown in the UK.
Make a sentence. Use the present passive: these clothes / not make / in France
These clothes aren't made in France.
Make a sentence. Use the present passive: lemons / grow / in Spain
Lemons are grown in Spain.
Make a sentence. Use the present passive: tea / grow / in China
Tea is grown in China.
Make a sentence. Use the present passive: these cars / produce / in Japan
These cars are produced in Japan.
Make a sentence. Use the present passive: the paper / collect / every Tuesday
The paper is collected every Tuesday.
This container can be bg or small. It's made of cardboard. Breakfast cereals usually come in it.
a cardboard box
This is a container for liquids like water or cola. You can see the liquid through it. It can be big or small.
a plastic bottle
This is a small round object. It can be made of metal or plastic. It's got holes in the middle. It's used for keeping clothes together.
a button
This is a thin rope. It's made of cotton or nylon. You can tie things together with it.
This is a container for liquids like milk, juice and soup. It's made of thick cardboard.
a carton
This object is made of cardboard. You can find it in the middle of a roll of toilet paper or kitchen paper.
a cardboard tube
This is a long and thin object. It's small and made of wood. You hold it when you eat an ice lolly.
a lolly stick
This object has got the shape of a circle. It's made of rubber and it can stretch easily. It's used for holding things together.
an elastic band
This object is small and round. It's made of metal or plastic. It's used for covering the top of a bottle.
a bottle top
This is a piece of cloth. It's used for making things like clothes, curtains or toys.
This is a long thin tube. It's made of plastic. It's used for drinking.
a straw
This is a container for drinks like cola and fanta. It's made of metal.
a can