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Future / Going to or will
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Don't worry. I am sure he ....................be here on time.
My room is a mess again. My parents ..........................get mad at me again.
are going to
Don't be hopeless. I am sure you .....................find a job soon.
What ................................wear to your  graduation party?
are you going to
Ahha! Now i know! I ..................buy an art set for her birthday!
I have made up my mind. I ........................(not) eat any chocolate this month.
am not going to
You woke up too late. You ............be late to school.
are going to be
I hope I ......................visit Taj mahal someday in the future.
I think you are cold. I ..............make some warm tea for you.
Jim is very nervous. He ............ ask Laura for a date.
is going to
I don't want to go to that concert. I don't think it ..........................be fun and exciting.
I ......................buy a new phone after I get my salary next week.
am going to
I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow. I ................ (not) enjoy that!
am not going to
Look at that big black cloud! It ........................rain soon!
is going to
Tell me your secret. I promise I ................... tell anyone else.
will not / won't
These boys are too fast. They ........................hurt themselves.
are going to
My brother bought some new clothes because he ...................... go to his friend's birthday party.
is going to
I know she .......................fail her tests because she never studies.
is going to
I promise I ........................ pay you back before your birthday.
My sister ...................... have a baby next month.
is going to
I think the weather .............................. Sunny on Friday.
will be