Edit Game
Vocabulary 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Army: The army is intelligent.
The army wears green and black.
Cotton: The cotton is soft.
The cotton is white.
Dialogue: My dialogue is long.
My brother's dialogue is motivating.
Casket: My grandfather's casket is sad.
The casket with mi dog is beautiful.
Intuition: The intuition is important.
Intuition makes you more understanding.
Increase: My uncle got a Increase at work
The increase in money in my family saved my dog.
Midnight: The midnight is terrifying.
I like the midnight.
Waders: The fishermen´s use waders.
I like the waders.
Fishing rod: My dad's fishing rod is gorgeous.
My fishing rod is blue.
Paperback: My paperback is pink.
My sister has many paperback's.
Machine: My grandmother's machines are ancient.
The machines don't work.
Cobwebs: Cobwebs scare my grandfather.
The cobwebs have a beautiful design.
Homemade: My cookies are homemade.
The sweater is homemade.
Arrive: I have to arrive on time.
I'm arrive home.
Mirror: My mirror is dirty.
My mirror is gorgeous.
Spies: The Little Spies movie is very good.
The spies are dangerous.
Truth: Truth is very important.
The truth is something that generates trust.
Deduction: My brother made the deduction that I ate the cookies.
Deductions can be dangerous.
Speculation. Speculation is good exercise.
By speculating I feel better.
Adjective: My apple is big.
My brother is tall.