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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20.- Truth "You say my the truth?"
"Yes, I say the truth"
19.- Intuition "What is your intuition"
"I don't have intuition
18.- Machine "This is a machine?"
"Yes this is a machine"
17.- Arrive "Are you about to arrive?"
"If I'm about to arrive"
16.- Waders "You use waders?"
"Yes, I use waders"
15.- Dialogue "They are dialogue"
"They are dialogue from something secret"
14.- Midnigth "I sleep at midnigth"
"I sleep at midnigth too"
13.- Homemade "What is homemade?"
"It's doing things at home, like food, that's homemade"
12.- Army "We need the army"
"We are here"
11.- Casket "I save my casket"
"You have a casket?"
10.- Mirror "I need a mirror"
"I have a mirror"
9.- Spies "Are you spies?"
"Yes, we are spies >:) "
8.- Cobweb "A COBWEB <:("
"I will going to remove the cobweb"
7.- Deduction "What is your deduction?"
"This my deduction"
6.- Cotton "WHERE IS MY COTTON >:( "
"I use your cotton"
5.- Adjective "You know what is an adjective?"
"Yes, I know what is an adjective"
4.- Increase "You increase your money?"
"Yes, I increase my money?"
3.- Fishing rod "You have a fishing rod?"
"No, I don't have a fishing rod"
2.- Paperback "Your book have a paperback?"
"Yes, I have a paperback"
1.- Speculation "I have a speculation."
"What is your speculation?"