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vocabulary 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Chad has committed his army against Boko Haram in Nigeria.
Chad has committed his army against Boko Haram in Nigeria.
The kimono is made with acrylic fabric, polyester and cotton.
The kimono is made with acrylic fabric, polyester and cotton.
We think it is logical that they dialogue with those responsible for the problem.
We think it is logical that they dialogue with those responsible for the problem.
He took this from his friend in the casket.
He took this from his friend in the casket.
But my intuition tells me you're a good man.
But my intuition tells me you're a good man.
This process can increase the durability of any F4 product.
This process can increase the durability of any F4 product.
A woman boards a train in New York at midnight.
A woman boards a train in New York at midnight.
Appearance: A member of the sandpiper family of waders.
Appearance: A member of the sandpiper family of waders.
Les damos pescado en vez de una fishing rod
Les damos pescado en vez de una fishing rod
Replacing the paperback star by digital is just an example.
Replacing the paperback star by digital is just an example.
The machine was decorated with a series of different designs.
The machine was decorated with a series of different designs.
Did that guy have a cobweds on his neck?
Did that guy have a cobwebs on his neck?
Located in Praiano, has an excellent restaurant with homemade dishes.
Located in Praiano, has an excellent restaurant with homemade dishes.
Villa Cura Brochero is a town to arrive and stay
Villa Cura Brochero is a town to arrive and stay
A small office between the two beds, but no mirror.
A small office between the two beds, but no mirror.
I can't believe that my brother and Sarah are spies.
I can't believe that my brother and Sarah are spies.
This same truth is presented here in Romans chapter 13.
This same truth is presented here in Romans chapter 13.
This is an absurd but completely inevitable deduction from determinism
This is an absurd but completely inevitable deduction from determinism
It is driven purely by speculation, as in the past.
It is driven purely by speculation, as in the past.
This pronoun is placed between the subject and the adjective.
This pronoun is placed between the subject and the adjective.