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Vocabulary 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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1.-In a comic the characters create a dialogue
2.-I like to read the dialogues
1.-The cotton is used to do clothes
2.-The cotton comes out of the sheeps
1.-Increase in things is good
2.-Increase to have results
1.-My sister have a very god intuitition
2.-Intuition some times save you
1.-Some times i sleep at the midnight
2.-In the midnight is too late
1.-Are so machine for create in the world
2.-The machines have a control very strange
1.-A fishing rod are a simple article
2.-When you go to fish you use a fishing rod
1.-In the wars are armys
2.-Armys have a uniform for battle
1.-I think in a speculation before give a answer
2.-Speculations are goods for think
1.-In the park are very cobwebs
2.-I see spiders in the cobwebs
1.-I like movies of spies
2.-The spies are very secretly persons
1.-I love the decoration of the paperbacks books
2.-All the books have a paperback
1.-I like to learn abput adjetives
2.-My teacher explain to me the adjetives
1.-I always say the truth to my mom
2.-Say the truth is the better to have a good life
1.-Now my tpicis about deductions
2.-Some times i create deductions for everything.
1.-I have a broken mirror in my house
2.-My mirror is very small but I see myself good there
1.-I arrive to my house
2.-I arrive to mi grandparent house
1.-My mom do homemade
2.-I love his homemade
1.-My dad have waders to keep in the water
2.-His waders always have many water
1.-My transparente hace a casket un his house.
2.-His casket have many jewellery.