Edit Game
Review Unit 6 and 8 for 4th grade

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Teacher Cecilia's favorite football team? a. Real Madrid b. Atletico de Madrid
What is Teacher Cecilia's favorite Spanish food? a. Paella b. Patatas Bravas c. Tortilla
What is the name of Teacher Cecilia's cat?
Simon or Don Simón
will/might/won't I _________ get a perfect grade on the exam. (not sure)
will/might/won't I _________ run a marathon because I broke my leg. (very unlikely)
will/might/ won't I _______ visit my cousins in London next summer. (very likely)
Create a question related to the picture in the PRESENT PERFECT Have they....
Have they ever seen a giraffe? Have they gone to the zoo?
Create a question related to the picture in the PRESENT PERFECT Has he....
Has he ever played chess? Has he played chess?
Make an example sentence with will....
Teacher checks answer
Make an example sentence with won't....
Teacher checks answer
Make an example sentence with might....
teacher checks answer
Create a question related to the picture in the PRESENT PERFECT Have you......
Have you ever eaten lasagna? Have you eaten lasagna?
Create a question related to the picture in the PRESENT PERFECT Have you....
Have you ever been to Mexico? Have you ever traveled to Mexico
Will/might/won't We use ______ when we want to express that there is a possibility or to talk about something we are not sure will happen.
Will/ might/ won't We use ______ when we want to express that something is very UNlikely to happen.
Will/ might/ won't We use ______ when we want to express that something is very likely to happen.