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Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Review Game

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where did the flock stay when they first arrived in NYC?
Central Park
Who stole Angel's bear from her?
What are Angel's gifts? (Name any/all of the 3)
Mind reading, mind control, and breathing underwater
Who is Max's second in command of the flock?
What special ability does the Gasman have? (it's not farting)
He can mimic any sound or voice
What kind of mutants are the Erasers?
Part human and part wolf
Who is Jeb the biological father to?
What are two things Iggy is good at?
Cooking and picking locks
What do Max's wings look like?
White with tan freckles
What did Angel name her dog?
What is the Institute called?
The Institute of Higher Living
What did Angel name her stuffed bear?
Where does the flock go after escaping the school?
New York
Who frees Max, Fang, Nudge, and Angel from the School?
Iggy and Gasman
Which pair are biological siblings?
Gasman and Angel
Why does Max go to Ella's house?
She was injured
Iggy suffers from which of the following? (deafness, asthma, blindness, ADHD)
What does Max call the scientists at the school?