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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Has the cow got wings?
Say the body parts of the chicken
Feet, feathers, wings
Say the body parts of the donkey
Ears, feet and teeth
What animal is it?
It's a rabbit
What animal is it?
It's a horse
Can you write this number?
Can you write this number?
Can you count from 10 to 0?
Can you count from 1-20?
Can you stamp your feet?
Can you touch your eyes?
Say 6 farm animals
Chicken, cow, donkey, pig, goat, duck...
It's got six legs and two wings. It's black and yellow. What animal is it?
It's a bee
It's got four legs and two ears. It's black and white. What animal is it?
It's a cow
It's got two feet, two wings and it's green and white. What animal is it?
It's a duck
It's got feathers, two wings and it's brown. What animal is it?
It's a chicken
It's got four feet, two ears and a nose. It's pink. What animal is it?
it's a pig
What is this?
It's a mouth
What is this?
It's a nose
What are these?
They're eyes
What are these?
They're feathers
What are these?
They're ears
What are these?
They're teeth
What are these?
They're feet
What are these?
They're wings