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Ancient Rome Ch 19 & 20

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Why were the twelve tables placed in the middle of the marketplace?
The written code of laws were made accessible to ALL people for everyone to see
Why was the Roman Republic considered a representative democracy?
citizens elected smaller groups of people to make laws for everyone
How was the rule of law established in the Roman government?
Patricians developed a written code of law that applied to everyone
What were some ways the Romans showed civic participation?
vote, hold positions in government, better their community
What was the purpose of checks and balances?
To keep one branch of government from becoming too powerful
What positions are held in the Judicial Branch and what is their responsibility?
Eight judges who served for 1 year and they oversaw the courts
What positions are held in the Legislative Branch and what is their responsibility?
Included both the Senate and Assembly and they made the laws
What positions are held in the Executive Branch and what is their responsibility?
two consuls, they directed affairs of the government and commanded the army
Name the 3 branches in the Roman Republic
Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
Describe the Slaves lifestyle, gov. power, and rights (vote)
laborers for wealthy landowners, no positions in government, not able to vote
Describe the Plebeians lifestyle, gov. power, and rights (vote)
merchants, artisans, and soldiers- small voice in government, served in the assembly, could vote
Describe the Patricians lifestyle, gov. power, and rights (vote)
wealthy landowners, held high government positions, and could vote
Name the 3 groups of Roman social classes.
Patricians, Plebeians, and Slaves
How did Rome's geog. features contribute to political growth? (2 things)
Access to sea to launch ships to conquer and seven hills offered defense against attack
How did Rome's location and geog. features help boost its economy? (2 things)
climate, irrigation, and flat fertile farmland helped grow their own crops, and easily able to trade on Med Sea
What geographical feature provided a barrier protection for Rome to the north?
Italian Alps
Why did Constantinople become a major city for trade?
Because it is located between Europe and Asia on the coast
Describe where Rome is located.
On the Italian Peninsula, south of the Italian Alps, Tiber river runs through it
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Italian Peninsula
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Mediterranean Sea
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Italian Alps
Label letter A?
Tiber River