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Pronoun 2.6-2.11 Review
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Identify the indefinite pronoun and tell whether it's singular or plural: Would someone take this computer back to the lab?
Someone, singular
Identify the indefinite pronoun and tell whether it's singular or plural: Somebody keeps sounding a car horn.
Somebody- singular
Identify the pronoun contraction. What pronoun and verb form it: Thousand of earthquakes occur each day. They're numerous but most do not cause damage. 
They're: They are
Identify the demonstrative pronoun in the following sentence. Identify if it's singular or plural and near, or far: Those are old batteries. Don't use them.
Those, plural, far
Identify the demonstrative pronoun in the following sentence. Identify if it's singular or plural and near, or far: Which box has candles? This has canned food in it.
This, singular, near
Complete each sentence using who, whom, which, or what: ____ hit Dorothy's farmhouse?
What hit Dorothy's farmhouse
Complete each sentence using who, whom, which, or what: With _____ did Dorothy live?
With whom did Dorothy live.
Complete each sentence using who, whom, which, or what: _____ wrote the novel The Wizard of Oz?
Who wrote the novel The Wizard of Oz
Identify and correct the double negative: There isn't nothing we can do about the weather
Isn't nothing: There isn't anything or there is nothing
What is the correct answer for the following: Didn't (anyone nobody) go grocery shopping?
What is the name for an error that involves combining two negative words, such as nobody or none, in a sentence?
Double negative
What type of pronoun shows possession or ownership. They stand alone.
Possessive Pronouns
What type of pronoun contains an apostrophe to replace the missing letter or letters?
Pronoun Contractions
What type of pronoun is used to ask a question and include whom, whose, what, and which?
Interrogative Pronouns
What type of pronoun refers to any or all of a group of people, places, or things. It consists of words such as anybody or nobody.
Indefinite Pronouns
What is used to point out things, places, and people that are near or far?
Demonstrative Pronouns