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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are there any mistakes? 1. Do you know many persons in this town? 2. My sister has a mice and I'm so scared of it. 3. David has two children.
1. Do you know many PEOPLE in this town? 2. My sister has a MOUSE and I'm so scared of it.
Are there any mistakes? 1. We didn't catch many fish. 2. I don't like mice. I'm scared of them. 3. A sheep eat grass.
3. A sheep eatS grass
Are there any mistakes? 1. Sheep eat grass. 2. Most of my friends is students. 3. There was a women in the car.
2. Most of my friends ARE students. 3. There was a womAn in the car.
Choose the correct sentence. 1. The job of my brother is very interesting. 2. The walls of this house are very thin.
2. The walls of this house are very thin.
Choose the correct sentence. 1 Mary's and Jake's house is so big 2. At the end of the road, there's a bus stop.
2. At the end of the road, there's a bus stop.
Write the plural form of the words: ~ life ~ roof ~ church ~ kitchen
~ lives ~ roofs ~ churches ~ kitchens
Write the plural form of the words: ~ tornado ~ wife ~ university ~ orange
~ tornadoes ~ wives ~ universities ~ oranges
Write the plural form of the words: ~ box ~ tomato ~ city ~ boy
~ boxes ~ tomatoes ~ cities ~ boys
Write the plural form of the words: ~ potato ~ radio ~ kilo ~ piano
~ potatoes ~ radios ~ kilos ~ pianos