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Did the kids laugh at her and called her giant?
No, they didn’t. They all became friends.
What happened after Tina counted to ten?
People soon stopped making fun of her.
What does Brenda do when people are mean to her?
She counts to ten and takes a deep breath.
Is Tina angry now?
No, she isn’t. She is happy now.
Why do Ben and Brenda understand Tina?
Because they know what it is like to be different. People can be mean to them too.
How does Tina feel when Ben gives her the new dress?
She feels surprised because he is being nice to her.
What does Ben use to make the dress?
He uses a needle.
What is he doing?
He is making a new dress for Tina.
What superpower is Ben using?
He is using the superpower of flight.
What can Ben and Brenda do?
Maybe they can help Tina.
Why is Tina crying?
She is crying because she wants a dress.
What does Ben do while Brenda is holding Tina’s legs down?
He flies around Tina to tie her up.
What is Brenda doing?
She is holding Tina’s legs down.
Where is Ben and what is he doing?
He is at the harbour, getting a very big rope off a ship.
What has Tina destroyed so far?
She has made the shop and the traffic lights collapse.
What is she going to use her superpowers for?
She is going to hold Tina’s legs down.
What superpowers is Brenda going to use?
She is going to use the superpower of strength and the superpower of invisibility.
What is he going to use this superpower for?
He is going to fly to the harbour to get a rope off a ship and tie Tina up.
What superpower is Ben going to use?
Ben is going to use the superpower of flight.
What are Ben and Brenda doing?
They are coming up with a plan to stop Tina from destroying the city.
What did Tina do then?
She had a tantrum.
Why is Tina so angry?
She wanted to buy a dress, but the shop didn’t have any dresses in her size and the shop assistant told her they didn’t make dresses for giants.
What is she going to do if Ben and Brenda don’t stop her?
She is going to ruin the city.
What happens when Tina gets angry?
She becomes a real problem because, whenever she gets angry, she has a fit and destroys the city.
What’s her name?
Her name is Tina Tantrum.
Is the latest villain a small or a big problem?
She is a very, very, very big problem.