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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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say the days of the week
Make the question: She is 25 years old
How old is she?
Make the question: They are from Russia
Where are they from?
Make the question: My favourite day of the week is Friday
What´s your favourite day of the week?
Complete: I like minera water but I.... like coke
Complete: I´m from Switzerland. I´m...
Transform the sentence: Susie is a good student (?)
Is Susie a good student?
Transform the sentence: Are you my sister? (-)
You aren´t my sister
What´s the answer? 967 - 530
Look at the picture and answer: Are they in France?
No, they aren´t
Look at the picture and answer: Is Paula a doctor?
Yes, she is
Look at the picture and answer: Is he from germany?
Yes, he is
What´s your email address?
How old is Lionel Messi?
He´s 36 years old
Where is Shakira from?
She´s from Colombia
Can you write / say the following number? 290.462.077
Two hundred and ninety million, four hundred and sixty two thousand, seventy seven
Can you spell 3 classmates names?
say numbers from 30 - 50
thirty... fifty