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CO1 - Unit 1 to 5

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence:These are my grandparents. ______ names are João and Maria
Complete the sentence: My aunt is rich. _____ house is big!!
Complete the sentence: 'He likes Coca-Cola. It's _____ favorite drink'
Complete the sentence: 'I love soccer. Botafogo is ____ favorite team'
How much is 8 + 9?
It's seventeen (17)
How much is 21%3?
It's seven (7)
How much is 4 x 5?
It's twenty (20)
What is his nationality?
He's Mexican
Where is he from?
He's from Mexico
What's your favorite place? What's opinion about it?
It's the shopping mall. It's fun.
What's your favorite place? What's opinion about it?
It's the book shop. It's amazing!
What's your best friend's name? How do you spell it?
It's José. J O S É
Where are you from? What's your nationality?
I'm from Brazil. I'm Brazilian
Who is your idol? Where is he/she from?
It's Bruck Dickson. He's from England
Use the verb 'hate' to complete the sentences: He ________ to study
Use the verb 'love' to complete the sentences: He _______ açaí
Use the verb 'like' to complete the sentences: She ________ to play soccer
The father of my mother is my _____________
The sister of my brother is my _______
the brother of my father is my ___________
The daughter of my aunt is my ________
What's your 1st (first) name? How do you spell it?
It's D I O G O
What's your phone number?
It's 990601128
What's your mother's name? How do you spell it?
It's Lydia. L Y D I A
What is her nationality?
She's irish
Where is she from?
She's from Ireland
Where is she from?
She's from The USA
What is her nationality?
She is American