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7th grade revision
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There were lots of people at the event, ______?
weren't there
Martha recycles plastic bags, _________?
doesn't she
You have seen this film before, __________?
haven't you
Jake and Jill have a brother, __________?
don't they
How long / you / have / your bike / when / somebody / steal / it?
How long had you had your bike when someone stole it?
Chiara / never see / a volcano / before she / come / to Indonesia.
Chiara had never seen a volcano before she came to Indonesia.
Correct or incorrect: Over 1,000 plants and animals in the USA are renewable. They may not exist in a few years.
incorrect: endangered
Since the government improved public _________ in this city, there are fewer ________ jams in the morning.
transport, traffic
My older brother become / has become a father in 2012.
Robert ___________ (have) dinner with his family yesterday at 8. p.m.
was having
People who worry about unimportant things and details are....
I _________________her since her birthday. (not meet)
haven't met
My mother ______________in the living room when someone __________ into our garage. (sit / break)
was sitting, broke
When you have a lot of exams but don't have much time for studying, you feel...
Claudia was determined / miserable to try all the challenges.
By the time she _______ (arrive) at the cinema, the movie _____ already _______ (start).
arrived, had started
The first piano / invent / Bartolomeo Cristofori / 1700s ?
Was the first piano invented by B. Cristofori in 1700s?
Dinner / cook / mum / every evening.
Dinner is cooked by mum every evening.
Facebook / use / every day.
Facebook is used every day.
The first cell phone / invent / Martin Cooper / 1973.
The first cell phone was invented by Martin Cooper in 1973.
I need to buy a ______ of yoghurt, a ______ of jam, a _______ of baked beans and a _______ of milk.
pot, jar, tin, carton
The Gherkin isn't ________ (tall) as the Shard, and the tickets should be ________ (expensive) - they cost too much.
as tall; less expensive