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Forces and Movement Chapter 7 Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say it as fast as possible 5 times: How much wood does a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Your whole team needs to do 10 jumping jacks!
How many dogs does Ms. Katelyn have?
When do you need shoes that have a good grip?
When you will be on a rough or slipperly surface - hiking, wet floors, wet fields etc.
What is friction?
Friction is a force between two objects that slide against each other.
How can you change the direction of a moving object?
It must contact a DIFFERENT object!
What happens to a toy car when you increase the pushing force?
It will go FASTER!
True or false? The heavier an object weighs, the more FORCE is needed to move it.
True or False? Gravity is stronger on the Moon.
FALSE! Gravity is weaker on the Moon.
Give an example of the usefulness of friction.
Holding a glass, walking on rocks, etc.
Rub your hands together - this dragging feeling is called ________.
Would a car travel faster or slower when driving in the sand?
True or false? Forces can affect the speed of moving objects.
Which force do we use when we throw a ball?
_______ is the force which makes things have weight. There is less ______ on the moon.
Which force is being used here?
Which force is being used here?
What equipment do we use to measure forces?
A force is either a _______ or a _______.
Push or Pull
What UNIT do we measure FORCES in?