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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is Shakespeare still so popular?
modern topics, characters, femenism, ....
Can you name the main themes of Merchant of Venice?
Mercy, Prejudice, Revenge
Can you name some symbols from Merchant of Venice?
flesh, rings, ships
Can you simply explain Shakespeare's tragedies?
order - disorder
Can you simply explain Shakespeare's comedies?
disorder - order
Can you name at least two tragedies?
Romeo and Juliet​ Hamlet​ King Lear​ Macbeth​ Othello
Can you name at least three comedies?
Merchant of Venice​ As You Like it​ Comedy of Errors​ The Taming if a Shrew​ A Midsummer Night‘s dream​ Twelfth Night or What You Will
can you cathegorize Shakespeare's plays?
Comedies, tragedies, histories
He was an actor and later a co-owner of which company?
The King's Men
How was his wife called?
Anne Hathaway
Where was he born? And Where is he buried?
Stratford upon Avon
When was Shakespeare born? And when did he die?
23 April 1564 - 1616
Can you describe public theatres during Shakespeare's time?
No roof, natural lighting, just a few actors playing multiple roles, no actresses, very few props, trap doors, cheaper seats downstairs, more expensive upstairs
Can you name the famous theatre Shakespeare was a co-owner of?
The Globe
About who did Shakespeare sometimes write his sonnets?
Blond Aristocrat and Dark Lady
How many lines do Shakespeare's sonnets have?
How many sonnnets did Shakespeare write?