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If Julian and nasiga are bisexual
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What side did nasiga show to Andy Manny chris and Anthony
His assassin side
How many students are in Diaz’s class
2 nasiga and Julian
What does nasiga say to Diaz when they graduated
Thank you for accepting our bisexuality your the best teacher you never judge make fun thank you
What does Julian say to nasiga when they judge him
Nasiga don’t listen to them they don’t know what they talking about I love you nasiga we can show them what's true love is about 
True or false: Julian really loves nasiga
What is Julian and nasiga’s relationship like
Mitch and Cam’s from Modern Family
What did they do when they at class
They hold hands during class
What’s outside the school when they walk outside the entrance of the school
Who is nagia in love with
What is nagia’s face when Diaz told them to get married
Like what
What is nasgia’s face when Diaz let them in with open arms
When they get to the classroom who greeted them kindly
Mrs Diaz
Who is Julian in love with bisexuality