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Natural Disasters

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Winter starts in this month...
How many months have 31 days?
How many months have only 30 days?
Spring starts in this month...
What's the shortest month of the year?
How many days does the earth take to revolve around the sun?
It takes approximately 365 and a quarter days to complete a revolution.
Which insects chirps can you count to tell the temperature?
A cricket
What happens first during a thunderstorm, thunder or lightning?
What was Filomena?
A snowstorm
What's the name of the most dangerous rotating air phenomenon?
What causes the "yellow snow" effect seen in some parts of the world? a. pollen b. Calima c. dust
a. pollen
What it the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth? a. 100º b. 45º c. 56º
56.7 degrees Celsius at Death Valley, USA.
Small chunks of ice that fall from the clouds are often irregularly shaped. What are they called? a.snow b.hailstones c.ice blocks
In 2010, Haiti suffered an ___ of 7.3 in the Richter Magnitude Scale. a. tornado b. storm c. earhtquake
c. earhtquake
Which two phenomenons happened in Japan in 2011? a. volcano eruption and hurricane b. tsunami and earthquake c. fires and floodings
b. tsunami and earthquake
Which hurricane hit New Orleans in 2005?
Hurricane Katrina
The Titanic sank when it hit an ____ a.rock b.whale c. iceberg
c. iceberg
Pompeii was buried under 4 to 6 meters of volcanic ash and pumice in the ____ of Mount Vesuvius. a.eruption b.explosion c.earthquake
Between 2019 and 2020, Australia experienced some of the deadliest ___ in recent history. a.hurricanes b.floodings c.wildfires
Yesterday, there was a huge ____ in Japan. a. tsunami b.earthquake c.hurricane
b. earthquake