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Crime and Punishment

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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An example of a minor offence?
What's the opposite of a serious offence?
a minor offence
When do you launch an appeal?
after you've been convicted / found guilty
Why might you only serve half your sentence?
if you are released for good behaviour / conviction is overturned on appeal
In what ways could you be treated harshly?
be given a longer sentence, be beaten by guards, be locked in the cell all the time
What’s the opposite of treated ‘well’?
badly or harshly
What preposition follows ‘emphasis / approach’?
What’s another word for undergo?
have, go through. You can undergo (have/go through) an operation, rehabilitation, an investigation
What happened if you were released after an appeal?
a new judge / court found you innocent, or they overturned the decision - maybe they found new evidence - and you walk free
What did you do if you were convicted o f assault?
hit someone, beat them up, etc.
What preposition follows ‘convict’?
When do they let prisoners out of the cell?
to do exercise, to eat, to wash, etc.
What's the opposite of ‘being locked in a cell’?
being let out
What’s the opposite of ‘a tiny cell’?
a large cell