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St. Patrick's Day Trivia

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In 2020, the St. Patrick’s Day parade was canceled in NYC for the first time in how many years because of COVID? A. about 100 years B. about 150 years C. about 200 years D. about 250 years
D. about 250 years
The first-ever St. Patrick’s Day Parade in 1762 didn’t take place in Ireland as you might have thought. Where did it take place? A. Canada B. Mexico C. The US
C. The US. The 1st recorded St. Patrick's Day parade in New York City was held in 1762
What colors are the national flag of Ireland? A. White, Orange, Red B. White, Orange, Green C. White, Orange, Yellow
B. White, Orange, Green
True or False: Irelands nick name is "The Emerald Isle"
Ture! Ireland is known for its lush green fields, earning it the nickname of the Emerald Isle
According to the legend, what animal did St. Patrick chase out of Ireland? A. Wolves B. Rats C. SnakesB.
C. Snakes - Ireland is a snake-free island. In fact, many animals found in Europe & America don't live in Ireland. In part b/c the water surrounding the country
True or False: a shamrock has 4 leaves
False:shamrocks have 3 leaves while 4-leaf clovers have 4 leaves. It takes a rare genetic mutation to get that extra leaf which is why it's so difficult to find
When is traditionally considered the best time to sneak up on a leprechaun? A. When he is sleeping B. When he is eating C. When he is busy fixing his shoes
C. When he is busy fixing his shoes; it is said to be the only time he sits still for very long.
True or False: the official symbol of Saint Patrick’s day is associated with the Shamrock
Which country celebrates Saint Patrick’s day as a national holiday? A. England B. Turkey C. Ireland
C. Ireland
What is an Irish-American culinary tradition of St Patrick’s Day? A. Eating fish & chips B. Eating corned beef and cabbage C. Eating green eggs and ham
B. Eating corned beef and cabbage
St. Patrick was originally associated with what color? A. Red B. Purple C. Blue
C. Blue
What city dyes its river green every St. Patrick's Day? A. New York B. Boston C. Chicago
C. Chicago
What are the odds of finding a four-leaf clover? A. 1 in 10,000 B. 1 in 1,000 C. 1 in 100
A. 1 in 10,000