Edit Game
Prepare 2 Unit 10

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Today she’s buying a clothes in the sales. (correct the mustake)
a - some
Ivy has got ______ free time on Sundays.
a bit of/some/a lot of
I haven’t got _____brothers or sisters. It’s just me!
Ed’s got ______extra pens, so he can give me one.
some/a few
We haven’t got ______vegetables. Nothing at all.
need to / I / Monday. / my / do / for / homework
I need to do my homework for Monday.
shop / The / amazing / is / its / prices. / famous for
The shop is famous for its amazing prices.
for / What’s / awesome? / word / another
What’s another word for awesome?
There’s 15% prices if you buy online. (find and correct the mistake)
How much discount do you carry in your purse or wallet? (find and correct the mistake)
I don’t think our wallet is correct. We didn’t order these drinks. (find and correct the mistake)
I don’t like shopping in the purse. I prefer the new collections. (find and correct the mistake))
I don’t like this jumper, but I didn’t keep my sale, so I can’t return it. (find and correct the mistake)
She always looks at the ______ before she buys something.