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GoMouse Game!

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the third command the mouse will follow?
turn right
Which way will the mouse turn?
the left
What is the first command the mouse will follow?
Go forward!
What did we have to catch in this maze puzzle?
the ducky
What button do we press when it is someone's else's turn with the mouse robot?
The yellow circle
What do we call the person who codes the mouse?
When coding the mouse robots we must work as a
We must NEVER ROLL the mouse robot like a race car because
they can break!
Why do we need to take care of the mouse robots?
because we need to share with other classes
What is this picture called?
a maze / a puzzle
What can you do if the mouse gets too close to the edge of the table?
Catch it before it falls!
How do we turn the mouse on?
Move the switch on the bottom of the mouse
What was the name of these cards?
Command Cards
What are these called?
maze squares
What button do we press to CLEAR or ERASE the code in the mouse?
The yellow circle!
The orange arrow can code our mouse to move in what direction?
turn left
The purple arrow can code our mouse to move in what direction?
turn right
What button do we press to code our mouse to move backwards?
Yellow arrow
What button do we press to code our mouse to move FORWARD?
Blue Arrow