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Rapa Nui Review

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Who is Mr. Mitchell's favorite Mario character?
Shy Guy
Who is the voice actor of Toad in The Super Mario Bros. Movie?
Keegan-Michael Key
Jordan Peele
Jimmy Fallon
Andy Samberg
Who is the voice actress of Princess Peach in The Super Mario Bros. Movie?
Anya Taylor-Joy
Sabrina Carpenter
Peyton List
Olivia Rodrigo
Who is the voice actor of Donkey Kong in The Super Mario Bros. Movie?
Seth Rogan
Seth Meyers
Seth Green
Seth MacFarlane
Who is the voice actor of Bowser in The Super Mario Bros. Movie?
Jack Black
Jack London
Jack Nicholson
Jack Lemon
Who is the voice actor of Lugi in The Super Mario Bros. Movie?
Charlie Day
Charlie Sheen
Charlie Adler
Charli D'Amelio
Who is the voice actor of Mario in The Super Mario Bros. Movie?
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Chris Mitchell
Which section is most related to Thanos after he snapped his finger?
Decrease in Population
Increase in Population
Little recovery in the population
Decrease in Population
Increase in Population
Civil war and Cannibalism
Increase in Population
Decrease in Population
Complete depletion of resources
Increase in Population
Decrease in Population
Population nearly 20,000
Increase in Population
Decrease in Population
Moai were being built
Increase in Population
Decrease in Population
Resources being depleted rapidly
Increase in Population
Decrease in Population
Introduction of new species to the endemic environment of Rapa Nui
Increase in Population
Decrease in Population
Establishment of native people to the island
Increase in Population
Decrease in Population
What was the Rapa Nui language called that was put on slabs?
The main theory is that Polynesians were the first to discover Rapa Nui. Polynesians were some of the world's best ____.
Wayfinders or Navigators
Where would the BirdMan competition start?
After the champion of the BirdMan Competition gives the egg to his chief, the chief would then do what?
Shave head bald and paint it red
What did the champion of the BirdMan Competition get if he won?
Possibly extra food, but he could not eat with the hand that touched the egg
Tangata Manu translates to what?
The BirdMan
Make-Make was the God of what?
Humanity and Fertility
If the greaatest K-Pop group BlackPink wanted to find a bird full of luck they should look for what kind of bird?
Manutara Bird
What was the name of the BirdMan God?
When were the moai statues believed to be built?
1100-1700 AD
How many moai statues were in their final resting spot?
What 3 things led to the decline of the population of Rapa Nui?
Mr. Mitchell Decides!
Why did the statues of Ahu Akivi turn their backs on the island and face towards the sea?
To face their home island.
If the people of Rapa Nui crushed someone with the hat of a moai, what would you call this amazing hat?
What does "AHU" mean in Rapa Nui?
Rapa Nui at that time was the only culture in Polynesia to develop this?
Written Language
The history of the Rapa Nui is divided into three periods. What are they?
The Moai era, the Birdman era and the Colonization/Modern era.
True or False, is this the current flag of Rapa Nui?
What is the English translation of Manutara?
The Luck Bird
People of Rapa Nui believed that ritual scarification would do what?
Increase their spiritual power
What are the Maoi statues of Rapa Nui believed to represent?
Living faces of the past
If Leroy went to Rapa Nui to see the Moai Statues, which way would most of the statues be facing?
Inland and having their backs to the Ocean
What was a Rapa Nui weapon never used as a weapon?
How long did the Birdman rule the island Rapa Nui?
1 year
To avoid inner island conflict, what was created on Rapa Nui?
The Birdman Competition
Over a given amount of time, the PP can do these 3 things:
Increase, Decrease, and Remain Constant
Make-Make was known as the God of what?
The creator of humanity and the god of fertility.
How many Moai statues are on island? (One Number)
What “Nesia” do Rapa Nui belong in?
Which country does Rapa Nui currently belong to?
What ocean is Rapa Nui located?
Pacific Ocean
Why is Rapa Nui called Easter Island?
The Dutch "discovered" it on Easter
What does PP stand for?
Population Pattern
What is the modern name of Rapa Nui?
Easter Island