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Global dimensions of Tourism

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What is the top destination in Saudi Arabia?
Where is this place/mosque?
The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque - Abu Dhabi
The Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) methodology has provided a major breakthrough in supply-side measurement and, more importantly, credibility for the tourism sector. A) True B) False
A) True
When the two groups meet there are contrasts of behavior and expectations which trigger long term changes and consequences in both societies.
The encounter or ‘contact’ between tourist and host
The Middle East was the fastest-growing region in both arrivals and receipts, list 3 top destination in middle east in terms of International tourist arrivals?
1- Saudi Arabia, 2- United Arab Emirates, 3- Iran
The impacts of tourism are varied and have many social consequences for a destination including (Give 3 examples)
Social structure; Relocation; Politics; Morals; Language; Lifestyle
The economic costs of tourism fall into three categories, give one example/category?
Opportunity costs; Overdependence / lack of diversity; Inflation
The travel account of the balance of payments is based upon direct spending by international tourists. The categories of spending are normally (Give 3 examples)
The categories of spending are normally:
The TSA allows tourism to be compared with other industries and allows economists (and academics and students) the opportunity to compare tourism sectors between different countries. The TSA measures:
The TSA measures:
Why has tourism proved so difficult to define and measure on the supply side ? Give 3 examples?
very unstable demand, risky investment prospect from a financier’s point, slow to innovate
A study of tourism 'leakage' in Thailand estimated that ..........% of all money spent by tourists ended up leaving Thailand (via foreign-owned tour operators, airlines, hotels, imported drinks and food, etc.). A) 65% B) 70% C) 80%
Provide 3 reasons for tourism leakage ?
Cost of imported goods, especially food and drink etc.
................is when revenue is lost from tourism to other countries' economies.
Economic/Tourism leakage
Doxey (1975) developed an ‘Irritation Index’ model of the relationship between the growth of tourism and community stress, provide 2 levels of irritation proposed in Doxey's model?
Euphoria, Apathy, Annoyance, Antagonsim
When a destination exceeds its carrying capacity limit, the term used here is ?
Richardson and Flucker (2004) identify five sub-types of carrying capacity, give two sub-types?
"maximum use any site without causing negative effects on the resources, reducing visitor satisfactions, or exerting adverse impacts upon the society, economy or culture of an area’
This tourism model consists of 6 stages, which visually depicted the changes that occur in destination demand over time
Butler’s (1980) Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC)
Money spent by a tourist circulates through a country's economy.This is known as the ............. .............?
The multiplier effect