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Chapter 12: Manifest Destiny Sections 1 & 2

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Briefly explain President Polk’s policy toward the Oregon Territory.
Polk believed that the United States should take complete control of the territory up to the latitude of 54° 40'.
What are presidios?
a military post or settlement
How did Mexico differ from Spain in its policy toward Tejas?
Mexico welcomed trade with Americans.
What were wagon trains?
a large group of covered wagons that traveled together across the North American continent as American pioneers moved westward
What do you call a settler moving to a new and unfamiliar land?
A pioneer
What is the high point in the Rocky Mountains that divides the watersheds of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans called?
The Continental Divide
What do we call a mass departure?
an exodus
Why do you think life on the frontier wagon trains changed conventional gender roles?
Women did more than cook and clean. They also worked alongside men to tend to livestock, gather supplies, make repairs, and do whatever needed to be done.
What two leading motivations caused pioneers to move west?
Two leading motivations that caused pioneers to move west were economic opportunities and religious freedom.
What increased the pioneers' fear of Native American attacks?
fiction about the West that exaggerated such accounts
refusal of Native Americans to trade with pioneers
distinctive customs of Native Americans on the trail
experiences recorded by mountainmen and Mormon leaders
By 1860, about how many people had settled in Oregon?
Where did both the Santa Fe Trail and Oregon Trail begin?
Independence, Missouri
Which Native American people did pioneers encounter as they traveled through the Great Plains?
Nez Perce
What is a margin?
the amount by which something is won or lost
What is a siege?
a military tactic in which troops surround a city with soldiers in an attempt to take control of it
What is manifest destiny?
the idea that the United States had the right and the obligation to expand its territory across North America to the Pacific Ocean
Define annex.
to add
What does rendezvous mean?
a temporary market where trappers met to trade and socialize
Who were mountain men?
the American fur trappers and explorers who began to explore and move west
What is indivdualism?
self-reliant independence
Why do you think that most Texans favored annexation by the United States, even after Texas won independence from Mexico?
Texans did not have an established economy. They also realized that they were still vulnerable to additional Mexican attacks.
Why was independent Texas known as the Lone Star Republic?
Its flag had a single star on it.
What did President James K. Polk firmly support?
manifest destiny
Who was the victor at the Battle of San Jacinto?
Sam Houston
What led to the Texas War for Independence?
Mexican rejection of Texas statehood within Mexico
Who led an expedition to discover the headwaters of the Arkansas River?
Zebulon Pike