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End of Year Review 5th Grade

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sal's home is 1,200 feet from the dock. How many yards are in 1,200 feet?
400 yards
Ben used 325 centimeters of ribbon to trim banners he made. How many meters of ribbon did he use?
3.25 meters
The movie started at 6:32 P.M. and ended at 9:48 P.M. How long did the movie last?
3 hours 16 minutes
The Apple store in NYC just announced that it has just had its 1,326,871 visitor. What is the value of the digit 6 in 1,326,871?
Emma is running in a race to raise money for her favorite charity. The total distance of the race is 12.5 miles. So far she has run 1/10 of the race. How far has Emma run?
At lunch, 8 friends share 6 sandwiches equally. What fraction of a sandwich does each friend get?
6/8 or 3/4
Nate has 2/3 quart of milk. He uses 3/4 of it in a cookie recipe. How much milk did Nate use in his recipe?
1/2 quart
Abby has a T-shirt store. She sold three times as many white T-shirts as blue T-shirts. She sold a total of 48 T-shirts. How many white T-shirts did Abby sell?
What is a figure with 8 congruent sides and 8 congruent angles
An octagon
Morgan is buying an IPhone on layaway for $200. If she makes a down payment of $100 and pays $20 each week, how many weeks will it take Morgan to pay for the iPhone?
5 weeks
Luke practiced for his piano recital each day for three days. The first day he practiced for 3/4 hour, the second day he practiced for 1 1/2 hours, and the third day he practiced for 2 1/4 hours. By how much did he increase the time?
3/4 of an hour or 45 minutes
A fruit salad recipe calls for 3/4 pound of apples and 2/5 pound of grapes. What is the least common denominator of the fractions?
Nolan’s science magazine has a mass of 256.674 grams. What is the mass of his magazine rounded to the nearest tenth?
4 pounds equals how many ounces?
What is a polygon with four sides called?
Name the property 13 + ( 3+7 ) = (13 + 3) + 7
Associative property of addition
What's the rule: 1,3,6,12,24,48
multiply by 2
Two lines that never intersect are called
Name the property: 36 x (4+3) = (30 x 7) + (6 x 7)
Distributive property
How many degrees are in a right angle?
How many degrees are in every triangle?
Solve: 143.21 x 100
What's 10x10x10x10 in exponent form?
10 to power of 4
What's the LCM (Least Common Multiple) of 9 and 12
Name the factors of 12.
Which is larger? 5/10 or 0.55
What is a Surplus?
More of something than is needed.
What is Domestication?
the process of changing plants or animals to make them more useful to humans.
What is a delta?
A triangle shaped area of land made of soil deposited by a river.
Producers get their energy directly from?
The sun
What is hydroponics?
When plants are grown in water instead of soil.
Burning toast is this kind of reaction
The ability of one substance to dissolve in another is called
What are the three states of matter?
Solid, liquid, gas
What is is the amount of “stuff” in an object?