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The Shannon is.... the oldest castle in Ireland or a special St. Patty's day breakfast or the longest river in Ireland
Longest river in Ireland
Riddle: He has a ginger beard and green clothing I am told, he’s always on the lookout for coins for his pot of gold, who is it?
Ireland's nickname is ... The Shenanigans or The Emerald Isle or Danny Boy's Town
Emerald Isle
What is Ireland's capital city?
What South American city celebrates St. Patrick's Day? Bogata, Columbia or Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
What country is St. Patrick from?
Around ___% of Americans have Irish ancestry?
What is this?
What do you find at the end of the rainbow?
Pot of Gold
What is the name of the McDonald's St. Patricks day drink?
Shamrock Shake
What city dyes its river green?
How many people visit Savannah, Georgia for St. Patrick's Day? 400,000, 3000, or 250
What city in Georgia has a BIG parade?
If you don’t wear green, people _____ you!
What color do you wear on St. Patrick's day?
What do leprechauns make?
What is the national plant of Ireland?
The flag of Ireland has three colors. What are they?
Green, white and orange
What day is St. Patrick's Day?
March 17th