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does/is heyer story hiccup

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why is charles a happy old man?
he doesn't have the hiccups
Does charles have the hiccups when he is an old man?
no he doesn't
Is charles a happy old man?
yes he is
Do the hiccups suddenly stop?
yes they do
does charles hiccup for 68 years?
yes he does
What does his father say?
He says "eat a lemon"
does his father say "eat some lemon"?
yes he does
Do the hiccups stop after charles drinks water?
no they don't
does his mother say "eat an elephant"?
no she doesn't
does his mother say "eat some sugar?"
yes she does
does charles drink a beer?
no he doesn't
What does his wife say?
she says, "drink a glass of water"
Does his wife say "drink a glass of water?"
yes she does
Can he stop hiccuping?
no he can't
Does Charles start to hiccup?
Yes he does
what does charles lift?
he lifts a pig
does charles lift a pig?
yes he does
is charles a farmer?
yes he is