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Before Easter

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We're shooting the scene without the dog because she _____ (feed) now.
is being fed
Add a suitable connector: Hugh Jackman sings well. _____, he's an excellent dancer.
Morever / In addition
Add a suitable connector: this talented musician plays the guitar ___ the piano, the saxophone and the flute.
as well as / in addition to
An idiom which means "de higos a peras"
Once in a blue moon
An idiom which means "así es la vida"
Shit happens
An idiom which means "very easy"
a piece of cake
An idiom which is used to talk about very exciting films:
it keeps you on the edge
(Add the correct suffix): Jeff and I have never had a serious _____ (argue), although we disagree a lot.
I ___ (not meet) Lisa's boyfriend until last week.
I hadn't met
They don't seem quite happy. I doubt their relationship ___ (last)
will last
He rarely ___ (enjoy) romantic comedies.
Be quiet! You ___ (wake) Mum and Dad!
You are going to wake
In a month, you and your friends ___ (be) friends for ten years!
will have been
Continue the sentence by forming an adjective with the word in brackets: I knew what was going to happen at the end. (predict)
It was sooooo predictable
Continue the sentence by forming an adjective with the word in brackets: I didn't like some of the scenes. (enjoy)
They were not enjoyable for me.
Continue the sentence by forming an adjective with the word in brackets: It was hard to believe the story. (realist)
It was not realistic at all!
Continue the sentence by forming an adjective with the word in brackets: I cried throughout the film. (emotion)
It was so emotional