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Cell Theory

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This type of cell can make photosynthesis.
Plant cell.
If it grows in size and develops, and usually reproduces sexually, it's probably a ____________ organism.
If it only grows in size but does not develop, and reproduces asexually, it's probably an ________________ organism.
Give an example of a multicellular organism.
Animals, plants.
Give an example of an unicellular organism.
Bacteria, protists.
Carbohydrates make sure the cells have _____________.
What type of cells are these?
Animal cells.
Lipids keep the ______________ in the cell.
Cells are made mostly of ____________________.
What type of cells are these?
Plant cells.
Can a cell come from an organ?
No, it can't.
According to cell theory, cells come from _________ _________.
other cells.
According to Cell Theory, cells are the ________________ unit of life.
According to Cell Theory, all organisms are made of one or more _________.
Robert Hooke was observing what object when he discovered cells?
A cork.
What is the correct level of organization? 1: ______; 2: tissue; 3: _________; 4: organ system.
1: Cell, 2: Tissue; 3: Organ; 4: Organ System