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Production Terminology

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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That's a Wrap!
The AD lets everyone know that's it for the day.
Dummy Check
called after location wrap, to make sure no dummies left any equipment behind because you will not be returning to that location.
That's a Location Wrap!
signals everyone that it's time to move on to the next location.
Moving On!
Signals that the director got the shot and it's time to move on to the next one.
Back to One!
Signals everyone to go back to their first positions at the beginning of the shot. We're going again. Time for another take.
Signals everyone that the shot is finished.
ignals the actors that it's time to do their stuff.
Can be used interchangeably with Rolling, signal that sound equipment is on and working
Signals that the camera is working and the tape is rolling. We're filming!
Quiet on Set!
can be combined with the question, "Is anybody NOT ready?" If no one answers, it's time to "Roll" a take.
Lock it Up!
•Signal the AD to tell the PA's to hold all traffic, camera is about to roll. Everyone should take this signal to be quiet.
Involved throughout all phases of the filmmaking process
Lighting Technicians
set up and control lighting equipment, a.k.a Electricians
The gaffer is the head of the electrical department
Second Assistant Camera
Operates the clapboard/slate
First Assistant Camera
Responsible for keeping the camera in focus as it is shooting
Camera Operator
Uses the camera at the direction of the: cinematographer or director to capture the scenes on film
Chief of the camera and lighting crew, •makes decisions on lighting and framing of scenes in conjunction with the film's director.
Production Assistant
Assists the 1st AD with set operations, referred to as PA's
Script Supervisor
known as the "continuity" person, keeps track of props, blocking, and other details to ensure continuity
Second Assistant Director
Chief Assistant of the 1st AD, responsible for creating Call sheets.
First Assistant Director
Assists the producer and director
responsible for overseeing the creative aspects of a film
initiates, coordinates, supervises and controls (funding, hiring, arranging)