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The Environment

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do you think The United Nations could help the life on land and below water?
How many countries joined The United Nations? Does Indonesia also part of it?
193 countries. Yes!
What guarantees which are provided by The United Nations?
Shelter, food, medicine, dignity, clean environment, and safety.
What does The United Nations do?
Try to prevent wars, help countries to get along, etc.
What The UN stands for?
The United Nations
Give me the example act of REDUCE!
Example: I refill my water bottle, instead of buying a new one.
Give me the example act of RECYCLE!
Example: I turned out the plastic bottle into a vase.
Give me the example act of REUSE!
Example: I use my old clothes as a mop.
What action can we do to reduce the use of plastic?
Bring water bottle, lunch box, reusable bag, shopping bag, reusable straw, etc.
This picture shows us the act of .....
In 10 seconds, please bring anything which classified as recyclable waste!
Plastic, paper, glass, cardboard, etc.
What do you know about recyclable waste?
Recyclable waste is stuff or materials which can be processed and used again.
What stuff that classified as recyclable waste?
Plastic, paper, glass, cardboard, etc.
What is 3R? Please mention it!
Reuse, reduce, and reproduce.
In 10 seconds, please bring anything which classified as solid waste!
Paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, metal, etc.
What do you know about solid waste?
Any used or unwanted product which is not a liquid or gas in our surroundings and from our daily products.
What stuff that classified as solid waste?
Paper, cardboard, glass, plastic, and metal.
In 10 seconds, please bring anything which classified as hazardous waste!
Electronic, batteries, lamps, paints, pest, cleaners, ets.
What do you know about hazardous waste?
Hazardous wastes are those that may contain toxic substances. These wastes could be corrosive, inflammable, explosive, or react when exposed to other materials.
What stuff that classified as hazardous waste?
Television, calculator, remote, phone, battery, paints, cleaners, etc.
In 10 seconds, please bring anything which classified as organic waste!
Dried flower, branch, leaf, foods leftover, used tissue, used tea bag etc.
What do you know about organic waste?
Organic waste is any material that is biodegradable and comes from either a plant or an animal. Biodegradable waste is organic material that can be broken.
What stuff that classified as organic waste?
Fruits, vegetables, chickens, fish, etc.
How many types of waste in the picture? Mention it!
There are five types. Organic, hazardous, solid, liquid, and recyclable.