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Unit 4 Lesson 2 : Life Cycles of Animals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one difference between the LIFE CYCLES of birds, fish, and amphibians.
ex.) Most birds take care of their young, but most fish & amphibians do not. / Birds lay eggs in nests, but reptiles lay eggs on land, & fish lay eggs in water
In three sentences, describe how a frog goes through metamorphosis.
ex.) 1. Hatch from egg 2. Tadpole 3. Grow arms, legs, and lungs to become a frog
Name three REPTILES.
ex.) turtle, snake, alligator, lizard...
Name three AMPHIBIANS.
ex.) frog, toad, salamander...
Name two characteristics of mammals.
ex.) makes milk, gives live birth, has fur on its body, warm-blooded...
Name three different mammals.
ex.) tiger, beluga whale, cow
Name TWO THINGS mammal parents can do to care for their young.
ex.) 1. Give food 2. Teach survival skills
How are mammal babies born?
Live birth (Not hatching from eggs)
True or false : If animal babies look like smaller versions of their parents, that means they don't do metamorphosis.
True or false : Fish have many babies at one time, and don't give them much care.
True or false : A turtle does metamorphosis.
Name three animals from 2+ DIFFERENT animal groups that hatch from eggs.
ex.) insects, turtles, chickens, frogs,
Name the two ANIMAL GROUPS that undergo metamorphosis.
insects and amphibians
What is the name for the baby frog before it is an adult?
What is metamorphosis?
When an animal’s body changes to a different form as it grows up
What is the name for the baby bug that looks like a worm?
Name two animals that do metamorphosis.
ex.) butterflies, frogs, salamanders, beetles, moths . . .
True or false : Fish reproduce with two parents.
One-parent reproduction makes offspring that are __ to the parent.
identical / the same as.
Name three animal groups we have learned about.
ex.) fish, birds, insects . . .