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How many siblings (brothers+sisters) does Magui have?
1 brother (Martin) and 1 sister (Mariana)
What's Pedro's favorite pop singer?
.Dua Lipa
What was Mari's favorite band when she was YOUR age?
'New kids on the block'
What's Magui's favorite movie?
El secreto de sus ojos / A place called Notting Hill
What is Mariana's favorite book?
La sombra del viento by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Where was Pedro born?
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Who is Pedro's favorite football player?
Lionel Messi / Antonio Pacheco / Ariel Ortega / Santiago Simon / Brian Rodriguez / Enzo Perez
What's the name of Magui's kid?
His name is Facundo.
Does Pedro have any pets?
1 cat called Carbon.
How old is Pedro?
He is 29 years old.
What's Pedro favorite sport?
How many siblings (brothers+sisters) does Mari have?
Two brothers (Camilo and Juan).Â