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Types of Selection (module 7)

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In the Hardy-Weinberg Equation, what does this represent: q2 (q squared)?
The frequency of the homozygous recessive genotype
In the Hardy-Weinberg Equation, what does this represent: 2pq?
The frequency of the heterozygous genotype
Rapid habitat destruction can cause population bottlenecks. (True or False)
The random loss of alleles in a population is known as
Genetic Drift
Convergent evolution is when two organisms share a recent common ancestor. (True or False)
In stabilizing selection, the intermediate phenotype is favored. (True or False)
In a drought, thick, waxy plant cuticles reduce water loss and are favored over thin cuticles. This is an example of
Directional Selection
Which of these is a core principle of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection? 1) Individual organisms pass on acquired traits to their offspring. 2) Individuals do not evolve; populations evolve
A farmer cross bred corn stalks with more cobs in an effort to increase crop yield. This is an example of
Artificial Selection
Birds of paradise with more complex songs, dances, and behaviors attract more mates. This is an example of
Sexual Selection