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Teens & Decision Making

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are trying to decide to do your homework or not. What part of your brain are you using?
Prefrontal Cortex
You are sad and you say something mean to your friend. What part of the brain is controlling that?
Limbic system
Why is synaptic pruning important?
It gets rid of the synapses you don't need, which makes your brain more efficient!
What is it called when the brain gets rid of extra synapses?
Synaptic pruning
Why is myelination important?
It makes the brain faster and better at making connections!
What part of the neuron wraps around the axon like plastic?
True/False: Do teens have the ability to shape their own brain?
True - Teens have the potential to shape their brains through their choices and the behaviors they engage in
Where is information passed from one neuron to another?
Which part brings information into the neuron?
If you are making a decision about what to do, what part of the brain controls that?
The prefrontal cortex
If you are feeling really angry, what part of the brain controls it?
The limbic system
What part of the brain is the control center for thinking?
Prefrontal cortex
What part of your brain develops first?
The limbic system
The limbic system is a part of your brain that controls.....
Your emotional responses
The brain reaches is its biggest size between...
The brain is not fully developed until.....
your early 20s
A group of cells that talk with each other through neurotransmitters