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Was/were places in town

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Were there busy roads in your town? (+)
Yes, there were.
Was there an ancient castle in your town? (-)
No, it wasn't
________ they at _______ yesterday?
Were, park
There ________ (+) a __________ in my town
was, hospital
We _______ (+) at the __________
were, museum
They _______ (-) at the ________ _______
weren't, swimming pool
I _______ (+) at the __________
was, library
Were you at the cinema yesterday? (+)
Yes, I was / Yes, we were.
There _________ (-) a lot of ________ ________ in my town.
weren't, clothes shops
________ you at the _______ ________?
Were, car park
They ________ (+) at the ______ ________ yesterday.
were, bus stop
________ there a _________ in your town?
Was, zoo
I ________ at the __________ yesterday.
Was, square
There _________ (-) _________ in my town.
weren't, hotels
________ there a _____ _________ in your town?
Was, train station
There _________ (+) a lot of _________ restaurants in my town.
Were, café
________ there a ________ ________ in your town?
Was, shopping centre
________ there a ___________ in your town?
Was, market
There __________ (-) a ___________ in my town.
wasn't, theatre
There _________ (+) a __________ in my town.
was, bridge