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Easy Animal Clues (guess the animal)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is orange, black, and white. It has 4 legs and a big tail. It has a triangle face.
It is green. It has 4 legs. It can jump. It eats bugs.
It is a pet. It has 4 legs. It eats fish and mice.
It is small and black. It can fly. It has 2 legs and big wings. Halloween.
It has 8 legs. It is small. It eats bugs. It makes webs.
It has 6 legs. It is very small. It is red and black.
It is small and gray. It eats cheese. It has big ears and a long tail.
It is very big and blue (or gray). It can swim. It lives in the sea.
Whale (or dolphin)
It is pink and lives on a farm. It has 4 legs. It has a curly tail.
It has 2 legs and 2 arms. It can climb trees. It likes bananas.
It is fast and scary. It has 4 legs and eats zebras. It lives in Africa.
Lion (or cheetah/leopard)
It is slow and gray. It has a big black nose. It can climb trees. It lives in Australia.
It is big and gray. It has a big mouth. It can run and swim. It lives in Africa.
It is pink. It has 2 legs. It can fly.
It has 6 legs and big wings. It is very colorful.
It is very small. It has 6 legs. It digs tunnels.
It is long and green. It has 4 short legs. It can swim and walk. It has many teeth.
It is black and white. It can run fast. It has 4 legs. It lives in Africa.
Zebra (or horse)