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The First President

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Flooded rivers were filled with ____, or small particles of soil.
They dug canals that let water flow from a water source to their fields. This method of watering crops is called
TRUE or FALSE: The formation of social classes was an important step in the development of civilizations.
true or false: In Mesopotamia, a city-state relied on crops from other regions.
In Sumerian city-states, people worshipped their gods in a temple called a
Around 5000 b.c., Egyptians first settled in the ______. A.Libyan Desert B.city of Memphis C.Nile River valley D.Mediterranean Sea
C.Nile River valley
In a dynasty, who takes power when a pharaoh dies?
the pharaoh's son or grandson
Narmer, the king of ______, unified Egypt for the first time around 3100 b.c.
Upper Egypt
The Nile River's floods were more ______ than those in Mesopotamia. A.sudden B.violent C.deadly D.regular
D. regular