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Reproductive System

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Point to the Uterus
Above the cervix
What is the name of the males tube that can be cut to make the man infertile
Vas deferens
Where does the egg get fertilized?
The fallopian tubes
approximately how many sperm are released every time a male ejaculates?
320 million
What is the hormone called that's released only when you are pregnant?
HcG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
What is it called when the egg and sperm join?
What is it called when an egg is released from an ovary?
On which day is the female most fertile?
Day 14
What are the purposes of the scrotum?
Tempurature regulation, hold the testes
What is the name of the tube that semen/urine come out of?
What is number 2?
When you find out you're pregnant (the first day of your missed period) how far along are you? (how many weeks)
approximately 4 weeks
Where is sperm made?
The testes