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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are they doing?
They're crossing the road.
What is she doing?
She is waiting for a bus.
What are they doing?
They are getting off the bus.
What are they doing?
They're getting on the bus.
What is she doing?
She's having a snack.
What is she doing?
She is catching a taxi.
Make a question: you / study Maths / four o’clock
Were you studying Maths at four o'clock?
Make a question: your dad / eat lunch / half past one
Was your dad eating lunch at half past one?
Make a question: your friends / swim / seven o’clock
Were your friends swimming at seven o'clock?
Make a question: your mum / watch TV / six o’clock
Was your mum watching TV at six o'clock?
Make a question: you / play tennis / five o’clock
Were you playing tennis at five o'clock?
Make a question: you / have dinner / eight o’clock
Were you having dinner at eight o'clock?
You sometimes walk up or down these to go to a higher or lower place.
This is a place in the town centre which has got buildings on four sides.
A square
This is an image of a person or an animal. It's usually made of stone.
A statue
This is an old stone building where kings and queens lived.
A castle
This is a tall, narrow building.
A tower
You use this to cross a river or a busy road.
A bridge
It's a place where people who look after the town work.
A town hall
It's a place where you can cross the road safely.
A pedestrian crossing
It's a place where two roads meet.
A crossroad
It's a decoration which shoots water into the air.
A fountain
Complete the sentence: I _____________________ (cross) the bridge when the earthquake _____________________ (start).
I was crossing the bridge when the earthquake started.
Complete the sentence: 5 They _____________________ (find) a mobile phone when they _____________________ (get off) the bus.
They found a mobile phone when they were getting off the bus.
Complete the sentence: She _____________________ (enjoy) her holiday when the volcano _____________________ (erupt).
She was enjoying her holiday when the volcano erupted.
Complete the sentence: We _____________________ (sit) in a café when we _____________________ (see) a friend.
We were sitting in a cafe when we saw a friend.
Complete the sentence: The phone _____________________ (ring) when he _____________________ (have) a shower.
The phone rang when he was having a shower.
Complete the sentence: They _____________________ (walk) home when it _____________________ (start) to rain.
They were walking home when it started to rain.